Proposition Updates - Feb 2020

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Proposition Updates - Feb 2020

As the first stage of a program of improvements to Proposition we have made some changes to the CRM. Even if you don’t use the CRM to any great extent you will notice a few changes – mainly when you view a saved proposal.

The main changes are:


The CRM is much more flexible, enabling you to filter and sort by virtually any element


There is effectively a new Pipeline view in the Opportunities tab of the CRM, although for now you will still see the ‘classic’ view on the Pipeline screen


For each section of the CRM you can customise your default data view


The menu buttons have been standardised

Point 4 results in some menu changes to the completed proposal screen.

Yesterday it looked like this:

Now it appears as an Opportunity within the CRM and looks like this:

The key changes to the above are:


Proposal Status, Win Probability & Expected Connection Date are all now updated directly on the above screen instead of via the drop-down menu


View, Edit & Delete options are moved to the standardised Copy and Delete buttons or the Proposal Document options in the ‘More’ menu

As well as a wider screen allowing more data to be displayed, the key changes to the CRM screens are:


Can view / filter list of all contacts, sites, mobiles, opportunities, tasks, etc. for your customers and prospects


Can filter displayed records by multiple fields


Can select one or more records by ticking the left hand boxes which triggers Update, Create Task/Note and Delete options. ‘Update’ lets you change selected field values for all selected records in one go.


Can create a more complex filter applying multiple criteria


Can save a complex filter and have the option to make it your default filter on opening CRM


Detailed ‘Notes & Tasks’ screen shows quick links to related contacts, opportunities, documents, etc


All detailed screens are now entered in Edit mode rather than having to first click an ‘Edit’ or ‘Update’ button

If you have any issues or queries relating to this update please email