Tcom Team Talk feat. Steve Brand, Business Manager

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Tcom Team Talk feat. Steve Brand, Business Manager

I had worked in the travel industry since leaving university in 1996 but a general downturn in that sector saw opportunities for progression become more and more limited. I knew Eric socially and he was aware that my previous roles had involved working to tight deadlines and managing staff, the type of skills he was looking for in a Business Manager. That was in 2005 and here I am!

My role has changed a lot in my time at the company but currently I am heavily involved in finance and invoicing tasks as well as my core role of managing the office and our staff.

Be more confident, don’t compare yourself to others and let go of what you can’t change.

A happy home life and a job which allows me to take frequent holidays in warmer climes with my wife and my golf clubs (not necessarily in that order!!).

Quick Fire...

Love both so I would go half and half. No veg though!

Not much of a drinker, I leave that to the other Tariffcom employees!! (they know who they are)

Sport. I have always been football mad and can be found at a football ground most Saturday afternoons or midweek evenings during the season, often just as a neutral. Also a big ice hockey fan.